Angels (Hardcover)
Angels (Hardcover)
The First Judgement
Published by ANGpublishing
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ANGELS: The First Judgement Hardcover, Matte, Jacketed Case Laminate.
Interior: 526 pages; paper: creme, 50 lb.
An Inspirational Science Fiction Narrative
Long before our existence, a mysterious and unique alien race dwelled in the Universe. We know little about their civilization
since not much has been written about them. We recognize this enigmatic alien race as angels...
On the serene planet Terra, inside a global paradise, angels lived in harmony, largely untouched by disease and the ravages
of time. Could a simple choice of staying loyal to God versus rejecting Him bring the demise of their existence?
The background of this story is science fiction; nevertheless, as spectacular as it is, keep in mind that this is not a critical issue.
The angels' moral choice, which equally affects our present lives, is everything!