Eons ago, on an alien planet, an advanced civilization identified as Angels experienced the first emergence of Evil. This brought war and devastation to their land, like we are currently enduring on Earth!
eBook available on Amazon/Kindle for $9.99 Amazon link to ANGELS (eBook): Click here
On Kindle, search for ANGELS by Jose E Vazquez. If you wish, you can read the eBook through the First Chapter without any obligation to buy it.
eBook available on Amazon/Kindle for $9.99 Amazon link to ANGELS (eBook): Click here
On Kindle, search for ANGELS by Jose E Vazquez. If you wish, you can read the eBook through the First Chapter without any obligation to buy it.
An inspirational science fiction narrative leading to the apocalypse. Global chaos is not the most critical issue. Ignited at the dawn of humanity, the war between good and evil is the ultimate conflict. Why? Because it is harvesting our souls!
eBook available on Amazon/Kindle for $9.99 Amazon link to A H A (eBook): Click here
On Kindle, search for A H A by Jose E Vazquez. If you wish, you can read the eBook through the First Chapter without any obligation to buy it.
eBook available on Amazon/Kindle for $9.99 Amazon link to A H A (eBook): Click here
On Kindle, search for A H A by Jose E Vazquez. If you wish, you can read the eBook through the First Chapter without any obligation to buy it.